Author: kcarballar
An exercise in mindlessness
An Exercise in Mindlessness Photography, variable dimensions An Exercise in Mindlessness documents the products of my restless hands due to ADHD. As I do any activity that requires concentration: listening, talking, reading, watching tv, I fidget. I fold, peel, twirl anything I have at hand. This is an archive of the resulting artifacts of those…
Oscillations Oscillations is an immersive sound and video installation that springs from the experience of loss and the process of grief. The audience enters a dark room where they are surrounded by the sound of breathing that emits from speakers placed around the room. After some time in the dark, a video is unexpectedly projected…
Vajilla (excerpt)
Vajilla Single channel video with sound (excerpt)TRT 6:00″
E-1 Photography book, 9 ¼ x 9 ¼” This work is an attempt to hold on to the disappearing traces of my mom’s last days. E-1 is the number of the house where I grew up and where my mother passed away.
Here(Pause) Video with sound, 3:30″ Here (Pause) is a meditation on loss, the passing of time, memory, and resilience.
Continuation Video projection with soundTRT 4:53″
Parallel Single channel video, two channel audio2:16″ This video is an investigation of two basic reactions to fear: paralysis and action. The figure on the left remains almost motionless while the one on the right starts accelerating up to a frantic point, slows down and stops. The sound is split into left and right channels.…
Red Yarn
Red Yarn Excerpt – Video with sound 4:53″ continuous loop
Due Single channel video with sound1:47″
Blue tree
Blue Tree Single channel video with sound1:08″